SIDN Introduces Discount for Websites with Security.txt File, Promotes Cybersecurity Measures

6 months ago 1142

SIDN is offering websites a discount if they have a valid and usable security.txt file, as announced by the registry. Currently, only around 2.2 percent of .nl domain names have a valid security.txt file.

The aim of the discount is to encourage websites to include the text file on their site, as reported by SIDN. The exact discount amount and implementation date have not been disclosed yet. This initiative is part of SIDN's efforts to promote the use of security.txt. They plan to develop a plug-in for hosting packages, like Wordpress, to facilitate the creation and management of the text file.

Security.txt is considered a standard that allows websites to specify how and to whom security researchers should report any security vulnerabilities. The Digital Trust Center, a branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, advocates for the adoption of these text files. Currently, the organization spends a significant amount of time identifying the appropriate contacts at websites to address security concerns.