Introducing the Open Home Foundation: Safeguarding the Future of Home Assistant

4 months ago 1015

Home Assistant has established a new foundation called the Open Home Foundation. The smart home platform is moving a significant portion of its operations and technologies to this foundation in order to ensure the ongoing success of Home Assistant.

In a press release, Home Assistant announced that over 240 projects have already been hosted within the Open Home Foundation. The foundation now owns various standards, drivers, and libraries that were previously managed by Home Assistant. This strategic move was made to protect against the threat of being acquired by larger companies and to prevent the platform from becoming obsolete. Additionally, the foundation aims to safeguard Home Assistant from potential risks posed by its own members.

Going forward, the Open Home Foundation will advocate for open standards, open-source projects, privacy, freedom of choice, and sustainability in the realm of smart home technology. These principles will be promoted to the public, government entities, and companies involved in the development of smart home devices. Nabu Casa, the parent company of Home Assistant, will remain separate from the foundation and will continue to serve as a commercial partner. The company will carry on with the development and sale of Home Assistant hardware, contributing revenue to the Open Home Foundation.