Households with Solar Panels Cost Energy Suppliers 'Several Hundreds of Euros' Annually, Dutch Regulator Finds

6 months ago 1368

A household with solar panels costs energy suppliers on average 'several hundreds of euros' per year. The Dutch Consumer and Markets Authority reports this after a preliminary investigation. The ACM will conduct a follow-up investigation into suppliers Budget Energie Eneco Engie and Vattenfall.

According to the ACM depending on the situation suppliers incur on average 'up to several hundred euros' additional costs due to a customer with solar panels. According to the ACM this is caused by higher purchasing and imbalance costs and costs due to the netting policy. The ACM reports in its first exploration that the cost estimate is a 'global snapshot' which is not based on specific contracts of individual suppliers.

The ACM based that conclusion on among other things information it has requested from suppliers. The supervisor also conducted its own investigation and held discussions with TenneT Energie-Nederland Vereniging Eigen Huis the KNMI the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the Dutch Association for Sustainable Energy.

The supervisor conducted the investigation into this issue because more and more energy suppliers are making a distinction between customers with and customers without solar panels. Customers with panels will then have to deal with additional costs. Energy suppliers say that customers with solar panels incur additional costs and that they no longer want to pass them on to all their customers including those without panels. It is not prohibited to distinguish between customers with and without solar panels the ACM reports.

The regulator is starting a follow-up investigation into suppliers Budget Energie Eneco Engie and Vattenfall because they all bear the extra costs. stories to their customers in their own way. During this follow-up investigation ACM will identify the precise additional costs and test how reasonable the ways in which they are passed on to customers are. The results of this study are expected to be known in the first half of April.