Google Drive Upgrades Include New Video Playback Technique and Enhanced Search Filters

6 months ago 1144

Google has rolled out some updates to its Google Drive platform. One of the key enhancements includes the implementation of a new transcoding technique aimed at improving the speed of video playback. The company has adopted Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) for all newly uploaded videos on Google Drive. This technique allows for automatic adjustment of bit rate based on the user's internet connection speed, resulting in faster loading times and reduced buffering interruptions.

In addition to the video playback improvement, Google has also revamped the search functionality in its mobile apps. Users can now easily set filters by tapping on the search bar. For example, by clicking on the 'Type' button, users can filter files based on specific file types. Similarly, options are available for filtering by 'Modified' and 'People', enabling users to view files that have been modified within a certain timeframe or uploaded by a particular user.

Prior to this update, users could filter by these categories individually, but now all options are consolidated under a single button per category to enhance clarity. Furthermore, users can now adjust filters directly from the search results page after conducting a search query. While this feature is currently available on the iOS app, Google has announced its upcoming release for Android devices in the near future.