European Commission Launches Probe into Apple and Google App Stores' Compliance with Digital Markets Act

5 months ago 1249

The European Commission is set to announce an investigation into Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store, aiming to determine if the new terms comply with the Digital Markets Act.

According to reports from Bloomberg, the European Commission is expediting the investigation process. Both Apple and Google have introduced new conditions for developers to adhere to under the DMA, but criticisms have surfaced regarding the extent of these changes. One notable change is Apple's fixed fee of 50 euro cents per app installation. Google has implemented a similar policy.

Additionally, the Meta Committee is looking into the practice of charging fees for subscriptions to access ad-free versions of Instagram and Facebook. The legality of this practice under European law is under scrutiny.

The DMA, which recently took effect, enables other companies in Europe to establish their own app stores on iOS. The investigation will determine if these new conditions are in compliance with the DMA. Responses from the Commission and the companies in question are pending.