Dutch Data Protection Authority to Monitor Tax Authorities for Data Protection Improvements

3 months ago 1063

The Dutch Data Protection Authority will oversee the Dutch Tax Authorities for a period of five years to ensure the improvement of protection for the personal data of citizens and companies.

The AP initiated discussions with employees of the Tax Authorities in April of this year, as stated by the outgoing State Secretary of Tax and Tax Authorities at Finance, Marnix van Rij, in a letter to the House of Representatives. The intention is for the privacy watchdog to actively monitor the Tax Authorities and offer guidance on enhancing privacy safeguards. Areas of focus for the AP will include examining the use of risk models within the Tax Authorities, the organizational culture surrounding the handling of personal data within the government entity, and the sharing of data.

Over the past few years, the Tax Authorities have been embroiled in various privacy scandals, including receiving a GDPR fine for discriminatory practices based on nationality in connection to the surcharges scandal. Additionally, controversial risk models were utilized for profiling individuals and businesses. It was also discovered that personal data of citizens was accessible to Tax Authorities employees without proper logging of searches.