Cisco Leads Major Tech Companies in Launching AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium to Study AI's Impact on IT Employment

5 months ago 1352

Cisco has launched the AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium with the backing of major tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, SAP, and Accenture. The main goal of this initiative is to study the effects of AI on employment in the IT industry.

The announcement of the consortium was made during the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council summit scheduled to take place on April 4 and 5 in Leuven. According to TechCrunch, the member companies have outlined two phases for the initiative. The first phase will focus on analyzing how AI impacts 56 different IT job functions, particularly those involving 'lower-skilled workers.' The specific roles being studied have not been disclosed yet. Additionally, the companies aim to explore ways to enhance training for employees in these positions to leverage artificial intelligence effectively.

A comprehensive report detailing the findings of this research is expected to be released this summer. Details about the second phase of the initiative have not been disclosed yet, but more information is expected to be revealed in the upcoming months. TechCrunch specifically highlights IBM's participation in the consortium, noting that the company implemented a hiring freeze last year for roles that could potentially be automated by AI.