Beware of Phishing Scam Alert from Spa Belgium Formula 1 Grand Prix Ticket Seller

6 months ago 1162

In Spa Belgium, the Formula 1 Grand Prix ticket seller is issuing a warning about phishing scams. It has come to light that malicious individuals have gained control of the organization's email system and are now sending out emails with a counterfeit email address.

Reports indicate that the organization has acknowledged the phishing attempts, including an attack on RBTF, but has not revealed how the criminals were able to access the data needed for these fraudulent activities. The scam involves promising customers a 50 euro voucher and then prompting them to enter their bank details in order to claim it. As a result, customers' sensitive financial information is being stolen.

While there is no mention of this on the ticket seller's website, they have taken the step of sending out emails to customers to warn them about the phishing scheme. The exact number of people who have received these emails remains unknown. However, individuals on a Reddit thread have reported receiving the email, suggesting that perhaps all customers who have ever purchased tickets for the Grand Prix may have been targeted.