Android 15 Beta 1.2 Update Unveils Universal Dark Mode Setting for All Apps

4 months ago 1159

Android 15 may introduce a new feature that enables users to activate a dark mode in all apps. While a similar feature has been available in developer mode since Android 10, it does not work universally with all apps.

The hidden feature was uncovered in the Android 15 Beta 1.2 update by Android Authority's Mishaal Rahman. Within the Accessibility settings, the Color & Motion menu now includes an option to 'Make all apps dark'. This allows users to switch to a dark mode across all applications, even if individual developers have not included this option.

This new feature resembles the 'override force-dark' function found in developer options since Android 10. Originally designed for developers to test dark mode in their apps, the new feature appears in regular settings, suggesting it is aimed at general users.

Unlike the override force-dark function, which may not work with all apps if developers opt out, the new setting seems to be more universal, as noted by Rahman. Even apps like Fitbit, which may not be compatible with the developer option, reportedly work with the new feature for now. Google has not officially confirmed if this setting will be included in Android 15.0.1.