Amsterdam Court of Appeal Criticizes Google's Inadequate Efforts to Block Fake Cryptocurrency Ads Featuring Celebrities

5 months ago 1049

According to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, Google's efforts to block fake ads featuring celebrities promoting cryptocurrencies were insufficient. The tech giant responded to reported fake ads by blocking them, but failed to implement a system to prevent new identical ads from appearing.

The court asserts that Google should have adjusted its control system to effectively prevent the circulation of similar fake ads. While the ruling has yet to be published, and other sources have already reported on it.

The case was brought forward by presenter and journalist Jort Kelder, who previously faced a legal defeat in May 2022. During that time, the court determined that Google and Twitter, also implicated in the lawsuit, were not accountable for the misleading advertisements. Instead, the responsibility was placed on the advertisers themselves.

In the latest appeal, the court ruled in favor of Kelder, stating that Google must compensate him for damages. The specific amount of compensation will be decided in a separate proceeding. The fake ads falsely depict celebrities like Kelder endorsing cryptocurrencies or services. Google has expressed its commitment to prioritizing the safety of its users and will carefully review the court's decision.