68 Tech Companies Join Secure by Design Pledge for Enhanced Product Security

4 months ago 1289

68 tech companies have committed to the Secure by Design Pledge initiated by the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Their pledge aims to enhance the security of their products.

The participating companies have outlined seven specific goals for the upcoming year, as mentioned in an announcement by CISA. These goals include the promotion of multi-factor authentication, reducing default passwords, encouraging security update installations, and establishing vulnerability reporting policies.

Moreover, the companies are required to meet certain core criteria within each goal, commit to transparency regarding product vulnerabilities, and work towards eliminating vulnerability classes. They also promise to empower customers to detect product misuse, such as by providing logging options to track potential attacks.

Notable signatories of the Pledge include Cloudflare, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Microsoft, Akamai, AWS, Fortinet, GitHub, GitLab, IBM, Google, and Lenovo. For a full list of participating organizations and detailed goal descriptions, visit the CISA website.